GOMsmart's mobile site is now in beta. We are eager for feedback in the development of the features and the experience on different smart phones and tablets. Log in at www.gomsmart.com/beta and let us know what you think.
EI330 field in the mobile version of GOMsmart on a Droid Razr Maxx
GOM3 has integrated the USGS study of regional geopressure in the Gulf of Mexico basin. This includes five sets of data based on the the surface defined by the first occurrence of isopressure gradients ranging from 0.60 psi/ft to 1.00 psi/ft. More information on the study is available on the USGS site here.
The data is located in the Geology/Geophysics section of the GOM3 toolbar in ArcMap.
Surface of the 0.7 psi/ft gradient in feet below mean sea level.
Analyzing Petroleum Data in the Gulf of Mexico using GOM3 and ArcGIS
The next GOM3 class will be held on Tuesday, February 11, at the TeachMeGIS Training Center in west Houston. This is a one day, hands-on workshop covering the basics of GOM3 data, ArcGIS software and GOMsmart. An outline of the class is available here (PDF) and registration can be completed at the TeachMeGIS website, www.teachmegis.com.
Earth Science Associates finally has a company page on LinkedIn. Follow us there (www.linkedin.com/company/earth-science-associates) as we plan to include details on new developments and overall plans for both GOM3 and GOMsmart.