GOM3 News - December 2020

2020 Recap and Future Plans

Without a user conference in 2020 we decided to virtually present the conference mainstays in a pair of webinars in December. The 2020 Recap webinar covered many of the new features added to GOM3, GOMsmart and the GOM3 Analytics Add-on over the last year and a half. The Future Plans webinar went over some of the planned features including an entirely new way of looking at well log data online and in 3-D and new analytics on drilling rates in different regions by operator, rig contractor, rig type and more.

The presentations can be downloaded from this page. After checking out the presentations, please contribute your thoughts to the direction of the development with this quick questionnaire.


A few boreholes in Mars symbolized by gamma ray log values, with Geomarkers labeled along the wells.

Lease Sale Preparation Update

A small but important change was made to the last update to change how open blocks for the next lease sale are created. This new layer is defined by the currently unleased blocks, removing those that are deferred from sales, and highlighting those that are newly available by using the official list from the previous sale. This gives a more exact set of blocks because it does not rely on an arbitrary cutoff date of blocks to include, removing one level of ambiguity.


Also, the form has changed to display data based on the date when the official list of blocks for the next sale was last updated (following the final notice of sale from BOEM). When that date in red is within two months or so of the sale, check the first box. Otherwise, check the second box to load this new layer.


When choosing the current leases that are due to expire before the next sale a date range is still required. However, this shouldn't be too much of an issue because it is so rare for lease expiration dates to be just before a lease sale.

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