The 8th Annual User Conference will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at Maersk's offices in the CityWest park of west Houston. The conference is intended for geologists, geophysicists, engineers, land specialists, GIS professionals/techs, and managers. The exchange of ideas and directions for our future development are still the top priority of the conference; we will continue to aim for the informality and small size of past years. Registration is free, though limited, but we will do our best to accomodate those who wish to attend. Register here.
Registrants will be the first to try the mobile version of GOMsmart. Beta testing begins this week for everyone registered for the conference.
EI330 field in the mobile version of GOMsmart on a Droid Razr Maxx
To attend the conference, please click here to register.
Introduction to GOM3 Class
The next GOM3 class will be held on Thursday, November 21, at the TeachMeGIS Training Center in west Houston. This is a one day, hands-on workshop covering the basics of GOM3 data, ArcGIS software and GOMsmart. An outline of the class is available here (PDF) and registration can be completed at the TeachMeGIS website,