Show Notes Tool
The ESA Hotlink tool has the ability to link existing documents to features in the map. These documents can be virtually any type of file (PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, images, etc.). For instance, a common use would be tying all of the documents of a particular project to a block. Most importantly, these documents are accessible in the map to all users.
The Show Notes tool is a quick way to highlight all of the data that have these document associations. This efficiently displays the document management within your organization in the GIS.
Export Projected Data
Another common task is the export of geographic data to a new coordinate system, particularly for loading data to other programs that cannot dynamically convert the data to different projections. The Export Projected Data tool exports shapefiles in all seven of the main coordinate systems of the Gulf of Mexico, plus unprojected data (in decimal degrees).
10th Annual User Conference
Remember, remember the 5th of November! More details coming soon.