As a reminder, we are presenting a webinar on Jan. 28th detailing some of the options and datasets for lease sale preparation. Registration is available now to learn about the many datasets within GOM3and a few details of the Bid Forecasts in the Business Planning Add-on.
Over the past twenty years, leasing data has grown into a rich detailed set of data and analysis, including bidding, production, ownership, operating rights and decommissioning liabilities. Combining that data with BOEM's indicated hydrocarbon list or maps of stipulations can help gauge how much should be spent on a block.
Beyond that, the collection of these data now provide the opportunity to bring advanced analytics to the data, to the point of combining bidding histories for each company with the current situation in the Gulf to forecast which blocks may be attractive in the next sale, potentially alerting a bidder that competition may require a slightly higher bid to win.