The 14th Annual User Conference was held earlier this month in Houston. Presentations are available at the User Conference page.
We are grateful to Murphy for hosting this year. Thank you to all who attended for the great feedback and suggestions. Evaluations of the Analytics Addon have begun due to the interest from the conference. If you would like more details/demonstrations of the newest Analytics or the Geophysical Addon (as shown below), contact Tony Dupont at
Some of the most interesting feedback at the conference was in regards to the presentation of Shazam, a deep learning neural network to automatically locate pay in well logs. With 97% accuracy when given up to nine curves (gamma ray, resistivity, neutron and bulk density, C1, C2 and C3 with sand and shale lithology), Shazam has been verified with some samples after the conference.
The full article can be read in the March 6 issue of Oil & Gas Journal (Volume 121, Issue 3), available here (login required).