Drilling Analytics has three significant features, one to forecast drilling times, one to graph performance and mud weights in an area and one to map and graphically compare drilling rates between operators and rig companies.
The drilling forecast takes user provided input parameters and makes a forecast on the number of days the project will take to complete. The data is trained on all well projects since 2002 and the variables used to train the model are true vertical depth, water depth, number of casing strings, bottom hole mud weight, offset distance, rig type, percentage drilling through salt.
The model returns a distribution on the forecasted time to reach the given target depth along with confidence intervals. The download option includes a report of the forecast and includes details of the model (more information on the model can be viewed here). It also includes a series of graphs on drilling time for the analogous wells (and a CSV of the attributes of the wells). These analgous wells can be viewed by clicking the last button in the interface as shown here.
The top analogous wells generated for a particular forecast.
This portion of Drilling Analytics generates drilling speed and mud weight graphs of all the wells in a given area. These graphs gather all of the weekly drilling reports, permits and paleo information to display drilling depths, mud weights, fracture gradients, casing programs and paleo horizons encountered. Wells are selected by either a radius around a location or by selecting the number of closest wells.
Both Depth vs Days Drilled and Depth vs Mud Weight graphs can be shown in MD or TVD. Paleo horizons are displayed by Series, Subseries or Stage. Casing strings and proposed casing strings are displayed on the right side of each graph. Bypasses and sidetracks are indicated and maps are included to locate the wells with included data.
The Depth vs Mud Weight graph of the No. 1 well in MC726. This graph, in TVD, shows the mud weights and fracture gradients (with lines connecting the samples). Expected mud weights and fracture gradients from permit data are optional.
The Analog Map is an interactive map to display wells that match specific ranges of variables, including true vertical depth, water depth, number of casing strings, bottom hole mud weight, offset distance, rig type and drilling year. Those wells are then used to graph drilling performance by operator or rig contractor. Any well can also be clicked to view the depth vs. days graph.
Selected wells graphed to show TVD feet/day for each operator