The 2014 User Conference was held October 30, 2014 at Murphy's offices in Houston. We are very grateful to our hosts and to Ethan Brown for his presentation at the conference. We're also grateful to all of this year's attendees, especially for the helpful input. Below are links to all of the presentations of the 2014 conference.
Earth Science Associates:
John D. Grace - Welcome
Tony Dupont - GOM3 - Major and Minor Additions of the Past Year
Scott Morris - Hurricane Analysis: Our Forecast
John D. Grace - 2015 ESA-CSUF Master's in Applied Math Research Program: Storms
Tony Dupont - GOMsmart 2.0 (Email Tony Dupont for presentation at tony@earthsci.com)
John D. Grace - 3-D Development Cycle (1.3 GB download)
Partner Presentation:
Ethan Brown (GeoMark Research) - GeoMark's Rock and Fluid Database in GOM3