Web Services in a GIS make it possible to integrate maps and data layers from all over the world into your own map, combining local and/or proprietary data with resources which aren’t even available within your organization. For instance, if you want to add a topography layer to your map, you can load one of several basemaps directly from the small arrow next to the ArcMap ‘Add Data’ button. You can also click “Add data from ArcGIS Online” to browse maps and data layers submitted by other ArcGIS users, as well as those posted by ESRI.
GOM3 includes connections to a number of web services that can be streamed directly into ArcMap. Nearly all are located in the What’s New/Web Services section of the toolbar: the red exclamation point. These services are primarily near real-time services to track information such as hurricanes, wind speeds and ocean currents. We have our own service that loads the latest BOEM information on leases, wells, permits, plans and approved bids from the last sale.
Green Blocks Accepted as of May 9, 2013.
The newest additions are NOAA web services from a variety of sources, but accessible from different parts of the toolbar. Under Map Layers > Environmental/Safety, new layers are available to map chemosynthetic communities, grids of hurricane strike frequency and oil spill incidents in the first decade of this century. And under Map Layers > Facilities, the window has been altered to provide a Planning tab which display maps about the sediment types of the sea floor.
Seafloor Sediment Types
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