GOM3 News - July 2017

Included Demo for the Seismic Add-on to GOM3

As with any component of GOM3, enhancements of the Seismic Add-on continue. But before some of these are integrated into the Add-on, a demonstration of the data is being included in the August update to provide a feel for the interactivity of seismic data with wells, sands, completion intervals and paleo samples. Four fields were chosen for this demo: Mars/Ursa, Jolliett, Bourbon and SS154. These are accessible from the new button on the ArcMap toolbar to the right of the ESA Help button. The 3-D scenes are fully functional with access to tabular data, reports, charts, well logs--all of the abilities of 2-D maps. The ArcGIS 3-D Analyst extension is required however.

SS154 Sands and wells surrounding the salt dome in SS154.

As a reminder, the full Seismic Add-on includes over 7,500 lines to view in the context of 3-D sands, wells, paleo horizons and more. It also includes all of the SEG-Y data, preview images for those lines and an additional 6,000 lines without SEG-Y files and all of the 3-D seismic SEG-Y data that has been released. Contact us for more information.

Coverage Seismic Add-on Coverage.

Well Data/Documents

GOM3 and GOMsmart reports now have a new class available for wells: Well Documents. These files cover a wide and expanding variety of types and formats. So far, all mud logs, conventional cores, sidewall cores, geochemical reviews and geochemical samples that have been released are available. The available documents will appear in bright green and those files can then be downloaded. Many more types will appear as these files are processed and integrated into the GOM3/GOMsmart structure.

Coverage Various reports for the AC857 #2 well.

GOM3 Annual User Conference

Registration is now open for the 12th Annual User Conference, being held Oct. 26th at BHP's offices in Houston. More details coming soon. Click here to register.

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